Nowadays, digital transformation is at the heart of many discussions related to business and economic development, expanding activities and reaching new markets, attracting new customers, but also the remodeling, not only of the image, but also of the effective operation and structure of the modern business.
Technological innovation is the main catalyst and accelerator for these efforts and processes, in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent global economy. If in the past decades and by the end of the 20th century, someone would use the term “digital transformation” to focus more on the introduction of computers and the creation of Information Technology (I.T.) departments, identified with the, now obsolete, concept of computerization, today we are at a completely different evolutionary stage, in which IT structures are not only for granted, but are not even an element of competitiveness, but merely the starting point for all businesses and organizations of all sizes. The result is that digital transformation is now so necessary that it tends to identify with business transformation, since technology is no longer just a desirable choice, but it can determine the nature and course of entire sectors, making it necessary to adapt to the new conditions.
Currently, the spread and dissemination of computer networks outside the boundaries of the enterprise, the unhooking of data center structures and their transformation into virtual systems that coexist both in local premises and in the cloud, reveal both enormous potential but also great challenges because of their complexity, but also the perils of cyber security.
The disruptive changes in the technological landscape, but also in the way we work, communicate, transact, evolve professionally, but also the emerging possibilities in the approach of the business that bring new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence – A.I., Data Analytics, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Virtual and Augmented Reality, the Internet of Things – IoT etc., make the quick adaptation and adoption of these factors imperative.
The landscape of modern business transformation
The landscape of transforming modern business highlights the importance of proper communication on the subject of modern digital transformation, which is evident from the fact that very few companies excel, with the bulk of them concentrating on a middle category, which has taken good steps, but nonetheless is capable of significant improvements. This data been recorded and encoded in the form of surveys and statistical data, such as a continuous study of the course of digital transformation, whereby, out of a total of 4,600 leading companies with global reach, in 40 countries, just 5 per cent are “Digital Leaders”, exemplifying the implementation and extensive utilization of the possibilities offered by modern digital transformation tools.
This research provides some very interesting facts about our country as well. We are lagging behind the average, as only 3% is part of the “Digital Leaders” category, when directly competing countries with similar economic sizes are in a better position, such as Portugal, of which 10% of businesses are at the forefront. Interestingly, companies with the fastest assimilation of the principles of modern digital transformation are currently India, Brazil and Thailand, which are examples of countries that have attracted great investment interest and in which large industrial, commercial, financial and research centres are established.
For Greek companies, the need not only to keep up, but also to distinguish themselves in the field of digital transformation, is imperative, given the prolonged period of economic recession, from the orbit of which we are trying to escape. It Is favorable that the three sectors that benefit most from digital transformation are telecommunications, technology and financial services, which are based to a large extent on the existence of highly-trained workforce: Greece has always been renowned for its highly valued human capital and for the equally high level of services it is able to provide.
The role of communication
It would not be interesting to comment on this blog if the role of a communication consultant, such as BrilliantPR, was not central to the effort of a company to unlock the riddle of digital transformation and to identify precisely the actions one has to take to become a “Digital Leader”. By representing customers who provide the necessary technological tools, expertice and digital solutions that are required, we are at the points of contact between the providers and their prospective customers through meetings, conferences, events, industry reports, which give occasions and opportunities for networking, conversation, exchange of views, finding new partners, concluding agreements, recruiting new executives, opening new outlets, informing consumers and expanding to new markets within and outside the borders.
Proper communication functions as a compass that helps the company navigate through the uncharted landscape of digital transformation and to understand – in a practical level – the actions it has to undertake for its realization. In addition, communication translates into a platform of meeting and interaction with the specialists who will undertake the implementation of the necessary technological investments in the four key sectors, which are expected to be the focus of Digital Transformation efforts for the next five years: Cybersecurity, the Cloud, the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, tools that will allow the company to transform data that is constantly being produced both internally, through business operations, as well as interacting with customers, to a source of information that will help to target promotion and sales actions, to create better products and services for the future and to carry out investment and strategic partnership projects with less risk and greater chance of success.
We will be happy to discuss and create a communication plan tailored to your needs, for your actions in the field of digital transformation!